“What cleverness. What shining, uplifting delight…  I can't recommend this glorious treat highly enough. It's magic! Go!”

John Campbell


“An exotic, cinematic sound … full of rich instrumental flourishes and characterful phrases”

Lydia Jenkin


“You'd be all like ‘kay this is the prettiest music I've ever heard’ and then someone would pull out a tuba and you'd be like 'WTF MAN' ."

Rose Matafeo

Carnivorous Plant Society tell stories guaranteed to melt your mind in the most pleasurable way.

Mexican mariachi mixes with spaghetti western; futuristic sci-fi blends with bizarre, spine-chilling nuances drawn from Stephen King novels.

Led by musician and animator Finn Scholes, they coax life from an astounding array of instruments - trumpets, violin, vibraphone, tuba, guitar, synthesizers, keyboards, bass, drums, the odd vocal and even some whistling.